9th Annual Meeting for the Canadian DELF-DALF centre Directors

On the 21st and the 22nd of November, 28 representatives from 27 DELF-DALF centres met at the Institut des Langues Officielles et du Bilinguisme of the University of Ottawa to discuss the challenges and development prospects of these certifications. The head of the DILF-DELF-DALF unit of the evaluation and certification department of France Education International, Mrs Marie Rousse, attended this meeting for the 2nd consecutive year.
With about 13 000 people sitting these exams in 2018, DELF-DALF has been a growing success in Canada since 2005. The DELF Scolaire ranks 4th in the world in terms of enrolments. In addition, this meeting was an opportunity to celebrate the 15th anniversary of DELF-DALF in Canada!
Many interesting debates and discussions took place between the Cultural Service of the French Embassy and the participants, perfect representatives of the Canadian Francophonie Coast to Coast.
We will meet again for the 10th edition in 2020!